Current Projects & Continuous Learning 

Current Projects

The Human Dimension of Plastic Pollution in Trinidad and Tobago, Sept 2021 - Present

Funding: Commonwealth Science Conference Follow-On Grant, The Royal Society (UK)

Project Lead: Dr. La Daana Kanhai, Collaborator: Dr. Isabel Richter (UK, Norway)

Plastic Pollution in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME), 2020 - 2022

Project that assesses the state of knowledge (1980 - 2020) about marine debris and microplastics in coastal and marine ecosystems in the CLME

Project Lead: Dr. La Daana Kanhai

Grenada National Ecosystem Assessment (GNEA), 2020 - Present

I am one of several authors currently working on the Grenada National Ecosystem Assessment. This project is being coordinated by CANARI (Caribbean Natural Resources Institute).

Chapter 2: What is the status, trends and threats to Grenada’s forest, coastal, marine, freshwater, and agricultural ecosystems and ecosystem services? [Contribution: Coastal Ecosystems Sub-Section, Lead Author]

Chapter 6: What opportunities exist to support, enhance and amplify the delivery of ecosystem services for the economic and social well-being of Grenadians? [Contribution: Marine Ecosystems Sub-Section, Lead Author]

Ballast Water Management in Trinidad & Tobago, 2021 - Present

PhD Candidate: Richmond Bassant

Supervisory Committee: Professor Judith Gobin, Dr. Azad Mohammed, Dr. La Daana Kanhai

Continuous Learning

Global Leadership Diploma

Institution: The University for Peace (UPEACE), September 2021 - Present

Funding: Guardian Group/UN University for Peace Global Leadership Diploma Scholarship

Courses Completed: (i) Design Thinking, (ii) Educating in Changing Times (Reflect, Rethink, Rebuild), (iii) Positive Leadership, (iv) Tackling Finance in the Social Sector, (v) Social Media for Social Innovation